Sunday, August 2, 2009

Agent Articles and Resources

There seems to be a lot of really good info floating around the agent blogs this past week. Check out these tidbits, if you're interested. The Guide to Literary Agents share's an excerpt from an article in the yet-to-be released 2010 Guide to Literary Agents by Agent Mollie Glick of the Foundry Literary + Media Agency, entitled Write a Killer Query Letter: How to Hook an Agent. Also on THE GUIDE TO LITERARY AGENTS is a post by Dorchester editor Leah Hultenschmidt entitled 12 Points of Contracts. Dystel & Goderich talk about the etiquette of submitting to an Agent. Agent in the middle says E.K., a junior agent at the L. Perkins Agency, is aggressively seeking Middle Grade and YA submissions. Check out what E.K.'s looking for here. On Bookends, Jessica Faust discusses Submissions 101. The post is basically a step by step process about submitting to an agent, and starts with making sure your book is written, edited, rewritten and polished before even thinking of sending off a query letter. Great info. And last but not least, agent Nathan Bransford wants to know how you deal with the "am-I-crazies?" Hope everyone has a wonderful week! Name

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