Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7 - 13 Is Read An eBook Week

Hey Everyone, Did You Know From March 7th Through March13th is Read An E-Book Week? What exactly is Read An E-Book Week, you ask?

(Snipped from the website)
Read an E-Book Week was first registered with Chase's Calendar of Events in 2004. Chase's is a day by day directory of special days, weeks and months used by event planners or anyone looking for a reason to celebrate. By having the week officially recognized, e-book authors and publishers acquired a certain extra "legitimacy" during that week to promote the new technology of e-books. The public and media were initially wary of e-books and many doors were closed to promotion. With the week officially recognized by Chase's, authors reported they now had access to television morning chat shows and were allowed to set up library displays during the week-long event.

Read an E-Book Week educates and informs the public about the pleasures and advantages of reading electronically. Authors, publishers, vendors, the media and readers world-wide are welcome to join in the effort. We encourage you to promote electronic reading with any event. These could include: public readings, library displays, reading challenges, school visits, newspaper and blog articles, chat show appearances, internet radio interviews, e-book give-ways, and banners on your website.

E-book information and free e-books define Read an E-Book Week. From March 7-13th major e-book retailers and authors offer free, or deeply discounted e-books for the event. These e-books will be available in the E-Book Store. Many of the participants offer free, or discounted e-books throughout the year, so please return often to see what is available.

The Read an E-Book Website is there to provide the latest information on e-books and to act as a collection point where you can list your event or give-away.

For more information, visit the website and download a banner, go to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm late, but there's a big old batch of free ebooks at

Just look for the creatively-named "Free Stuff" section.