Friday, April 4, 2008

Personal request from The Wild Rose Press

This was posted by Debby from Romance ebooks in a MySpace bulletin earlier today. I thought some of you may be interested.

If you have written an unpublished story set in the 1900's, editor Nancy Swanson from the Vintage Rose line at The Wild Rose Press, is looking for authors, aspiring and established, and would very much welcome you to submit to her.

Her very words to me were -

' long as it has a romance in it, is set back a ways, some mystery or time travel, clean or spicy - whatever. So much happened then...all the wars, all the music and dance changes, the Hippies and Free Love, etc. And of course almost any romance is timeless and can be set then, with a few details thrown in for flavor...'

Nancy is a fab editor who worked with me on 'Hibiscus Bay' now published by The Wild Rose Press. She has sinced moved from Champagne Rose line and now edits for the Vintage Rose line.So go check out the website and submission details at - she's waiting to hear from you.

Please mention that you heard this information from Debby at the 'Romance ebooks' myspace profile as recomendation for yourself.


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