Saturday, May 30, 2009

Agent Pitch Blog

Musetrackers Agent Pitch Shop

Musetrackers would like to invite you all to participate in our newest venture. 'Agent Shop'

What's 'Agent Shop'?

Well, how many of us wish we could pitch to an agent? That is, without the frills? No parties, no travel, no conference costs, no hectic schedules? Don’t get me wrong, the conferences, promos, signings and parties have their place and time, but what about in between?

Here’s what we’re going to do.

This isn’t a contest… there aren’t any winners… just a chance to put your pitch in front of agents who are interested in shopping a bit. They’ll read them and request more - IF – your pitch grabs their attention. What they request is up to them. We'll host 3 or more agents for each session and a few agents who couldn't commit mentioned stopping by from time to time.

If you're interested in pitching, visit the link below to read the rules. First date to submit is May 30th, and only the first thirty e-mails get in!

(Please feel free to forward to anyone you think may be interested, with credit given to

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